
I’m a news designer at The Washington Post. I’ve worked at AARP and USA TODAY and a marketing agency. Here’s a link to my resumé.

My work lives at The Washington Post Dot Com, and also in the print edition, and also on off-platform networks like Instagram (follow @poststyle please).

I live with a cat named Cricket. I am super fun to hang out with, if you like listening to people talk about America’s Next Top Model. I am terrible at crossword puzzles. I drink enough Diet Coke to embalm myself from the inside out. I was a lifeguard for three summers in a row even though I can’t swim. I have been compared to a mongoose, about which I am still a little confused but I remain appreciative.

I’m based in DC until January 2025, when I will be based in New York. It’s kind of a funny story how I persuaded my boss to let me move, and I will tell it to you if you want to hear it.

email me: lefkowitz.anna@gmail.com